GUIDE April 2020

During these uncertain times we have fallen into, many of us have found extra time on our hands whilst being at home. We wanted to share positivity and inspire you with ideas of how you could spend what would be your typical commuting time. From our Directors to Interior Designers, see what our team get up to outside of the studio walls.


“…breathe and keep positive by planning to do all those things I never had the time to do before.”



“I will be perfecting the art of completing my work at home with a child sitting on my head and a dog on my lap. I will also be scheduling in some time to go through my cookbooks and get some new recipes into the family’s staple diet and I’ve also got a super chunky scarf to knit which will be ready just in time for summer!”

– Stella Gittins, Group Director.


“I’ve been working on my garden which has been lovely in the sun. Hoping for another week of good weather so I can continue working in a quiet moment. Also been loving running around the woods in Wimbledon Common, it’s a bit of a hidden gem in busy London. You barely see anyone as everyone else heads to Richmond Park next door!”

– Polly Burdell, Group Director.



“Reflecting on the speed and breadth at which this pandemic has hit, it has taken a couple of days to digest, breathe and keep positive by planning to do all those things I never had the time to do before. I have set myself up a studio in our barn, where I am going to work and paint so I can still have 5 moments of freedom out of the house and I wish everyone well during this time.”

– Lucy Day-Shanks, Group Director.


“I’ll be learning to make butternut squash, ricotta and spinach tortellini from scratch. My boyfriend will be tutoring this ‘masterclass’ – definitely a make or break scenario. Post eating my weight in pasta, I will be enjoying a walk around the farm, soaking up the early spring sun and taking in the cherry blossom peaking through.”

– Lottie Simonson, Associate Director.



“During my time working from home, I am soaking up everything the countryside has to offer, from bonding with my 3 chickens, Brenda, Belinda and Bianca, to training my new puppy his name… which is taking longer than expected. This is mainly to give myself space from my family, something imperative to ensure our lives are still being lived at the end of this working from home period.”

– Harriet Knowlton, Interior Designer.


“Whilst confined to my lovely, yet ‘cosy’ apartment I’ve been perfecting some of my recipes including home-made granola and trying out new and more technical ones now I have more time but still little patience. I have also been prioritising fitness and ‘wedmin’ as hopefully my Halloween wedding won’t be affected!”

­– Lauren Colquhoun, Senior Interior Designer.



“I’ve taken time out every day, without TV, emails, and a phone, etc to do something around the house. Yesterday, I planted a little indoor garden, today I’m going to organise my beauty products. Next project…create a storybook for my niece.”

– Karis Samuelson, Associate.


“I’m going to take this time to sort out my wardrobe and go through the enormous pile of clothes I have due to my addiction to purchasing items of clothing that I’ll never actually wear. I am also going to learn about birds as I have noticed a large amount of action within the animal kingdom outside my window since working from home whilst my mum is out, risking her life to buy me mini eggs.”

– Elana Ilan, Interior Designer.
